24/01/2018 Remote-Sensing Bruno Ruas de Pinho Fast and Reliable Top of Atmosphere (TOA) calculations of Landsat-8 data in Python How to efficiently extract reflectance information from Landsat-8 Level-1 Data Product images.
22/09/2017 GIS Bruno Ruas de Pinho Download and Process DEMs in Python This tutorial shows how to automate downloading and processing DEM files. It shows a one-liner code to download SRTM (30 or 90 m) data and how to use rasterio to reproject the downloaded data into a desired CRS, spatial resolution or bounds.
06/09/2017 GIS Bruno Ruas de Pinho Processing Shapefiles of Lithological Units Preprocessing and exploring existing lithological shapefiles using GeoPandas and Folium.
28/08/2017 GIS Bruno Ruas de Pinho Cartographic Transformation and Map Visualizations in Python Cartographic transformation and geodetic computations using Python easy to use modules.
24/08/2017 Introduction Bruno Ruas de Pinho Geoscientists! Read this before you start programming What is Docker and why you should understand and learn it before you even start programming.